Логотип банка Santander похож на…

Логотип банка Santander давно вызывает вопросы клиентов даже в обычном, белом цвете. Теперь вопросы сняты.

Изначально банк хотел изобразить пламя, а также обыграть букву S из названия. Погнался за двумя зайцами, и получилось то, что получилось.

Вот какие ценности закладывает в марку Santander (а мужики то не знают):

The Santander brand is the Group’s essence, a first-rate strategy asset. It is included in all international rankings as one of the most valuable brands in the world, and is the fourth in the financial sector, according to the Brand Finance ranking. It is associated with the values of internationality, leadership, and strength; it centralises the Group’s identity and values, and conveys a unique international positioning which sets Santander apart from other banks.

Подписывайтесь на мой телеграм-канал Финсайд и потом не говорите, что вас не предупреждали: https://t.me/finside. Темы канала: экономика, инвестиции, финтех, банки. Автор: Олег Анисимов
  • A single voice. In 2004, Santander launched a brand unification process which led to the consolidation of all the existing brands into a single, unmistakeable brand, implemented in all countries where the bank operates. Santander is a unique global brand that conveys a homogeneous, consistent image, with a single communication code. It makes us recognisable as a Group in markets before customers, shareholders, analysts, and all of society.  A very demanding management of corporate identity strengthens our market value and helps Santander to be a leading bank in the world. The unification process will continue in 2013 with Banesto’s and Banif’s integration in Spain, as well as with Sovereign Bank’s brand change in the United States.

Santander’s visual identity is embodied in the symbol, the logo, the colour red, and the corporate motto.

  • The flame is a symbol that evokes the initial “S” in “Santander” and conveys triumph, leadership, clear-sightedness, and dynamism.
  • The logo is the word “Santander”, the name that represents the Bank and reflects its name and history.
  • The colour red brings strength, energy, and determination to all communication elements.
  • “A bank for your ideas” is the motto that conveys to customers, shareholders, and all of society that Banco Santander, all of its strength, leadership, and capacity, are at their service to help them to make their projects come true.


Олег Анисимов

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