Как сделать инвестиционный тизер

При привлечении инвестиций компании нужен документ, который они будут показывать потенциальным инвесторам. Как его составить?
Мне понравился развёрнутый ответ на этот вопрос от Сабрины Али, которая как банковский аналитик встречалась с подобными документами.
Вот её рекомендации:
I’ve worked on several investment teasers and have seen many more — here are the key sections:

  • Company Overview: A couple of paragraphs about what the business does. This is a heavy-duty marketing document, though, so if an accurate description of the business would be «Company X makes a few generic drugs and is a pretty small player» you might write «Company X is a leading vertically-integrated generic pharmaceutical manufacturer focused on high-value, high-barrier-to-entry products in six strategic therapeutic areas.» The document is pretty visual, too, so you’ll often include some graphics that show favorable key stats like (highly diversified) product mix, (low) customer concentration, etc. The point isn’t to be too informative — this is just the one-pager to introduce the company, and any potential buyer will do significant due diligence over the next couple of months anyway — but rather to use the right buzzwords and terms of art to drum up interest and get the right conversations started on the buyers’ side.
  • Management Team: Short bios of the key members of the management team.
  • Investment Highlights: A few selling points on why the company is a good investment. This is the most heavily-iterated section of the document because it’s the most subjective and salesy. Some generic versions of often-included investment highlights (you’ll usually choose just a few):
    • Attractive revenue model [high recurring revenue %, significant new business wins, low churn, high backlog — whatever is remotely plausible]
    • Leading market position with significant opportunity for industry consolidation
    • Stable, blue-chip customer base with [impossibly high number]% renewal rate
    • Significant white-space opportunity in [obscure, underpenetrated market segment]
    • Attractive industry dynamics given favorable demographics and regulatory tailwinds
    • Experienced management team with over [high number] years of industry experience
    • Strong financial performance with historical revenue growth of [high number]% and [high number]% EBITDA margin
  • Financial Summary: Key financial stats like historical annual revenue and EBITDA, high-level balance sheet stats, and a few other summary metrics depending on the type of company (bookings, backlog, volumes, etc.). These are tailored to portray the company in the most favorable light possible (yes, these are numbers, but this is just the teaser so you can omit more than you’ll be able to during due diligence).

This is a marketing document whose primary purpose is to get buyers to initially come to the table, so there’s rarely too much of substance or detail.


Олег Анисимов

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