About Oleg Anisimov

Oleg Anisimov was born on January 23, 1974 in the USSR.  He studied at the Leningrad schools №213 and №525.

In 1996 he graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance (SPbUEF now SPbGEU) in «National economy».

1995-2001 — he worked in the newspaper «Delovoy Peterburg» (owned by Swedish Bonnier Group) as a reporter in finance department, news editor, editor of the daily supplement «Finance».

2001-2002 — business and finance editor of newspaper «Kommersant-Saint-Petersburg».

2003-2010 — the chief editor of the magazine «Finance».

2009-2012 — co-host of the TV-program «Business Secrets» (Richard Branson was among the guests of a program).

2009-2013 — Member of the Advisory Board of Shareholders of JSC «VTB Bank».

2010-2011 — Co-author and publisher of Oleg Tinkov books «I’m Just Like Anyone Else» and «How To Become A Businessman».

2010-2013 — Vice-president of marketing for TCS Bank, an innovative provider of online retail financial services in Russia.

In March 2014 joined the board of directors of the online cloud accounting service Moedelo.org.

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© ИП Анисимов Олег Юрьевич, 2010-2024. ИНН 781661433622. ОГРНИП 310774601501066 от 15.01.2010. Юридический адрес: Москва, Ходынский бульвар, дом 11; +79859239245; oleg@anisimov.biz. Описание товаров. Договор-оферта. Цитирование разрешается с гиперссылкой на сайт anisimov.biz.